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特別鳴謝Easycook 義工團做食譜🙏🙏🙏
白米 2杯
熟栗子 大約10粒
蝦乾 10 隻
冬菇 5-6隻
幼蔥粒 少許
麻油 1湯匙
豉油 2湯匙
糖 半茶匙
菇粉/雞粉 少許(可以不用)
1. 冬菇、蝦乾用水浸軟後切粒,冬菇水要留用
2. 煑熟栗子1開4
3. 兩杯白米洗淨後加入少量水,冬菇粒、蝦乾粒、栗子粒及冬菇水
4. 加入調味料:麻油、豉油、糖和菇粉
5. 放入飯煲開始煮飯,煮熟後盛起大碗內,灑上幼蔥粒便可食用。
Dried Shrimp Chestnut Mushroom Rice
(YouTube video starts at 21:27.)
White rice - 2 rice cups (180ml X 2) (Wash and rinse)
Water and dried mushroom water - enough to cook the rice
Dried mushroom - diced (soak in water and save the water for cooking the rice)
Dried shrimps - diced (optional to fry them until fragrant)
Chestnuts - cut each one into 4 pieces
Seasoning ingredients:
Sesame oil - 1 tbsp
Light soya sauce - 2 tbsp
Sugar - ½ tsp
Mushroom seasoning powder - a dash
Chicken powder - optional
Garnish ingredients:
Green onion
Fresh mint leaves
1. Place all the above ingredients and seasoning ingredients into the inner pot of a rice cooker.
2. Set to rice cook mode.
3. Serve with sprinkle of green onion pieces and top it off with fresh mint leaves.
📌 乳豬一隻
📌 梳打粉一湯匙
📌 小茴少許
📌 丁香5粒
📌 豆蔻幾粒
📌 芫荽籽少許
📌 黑胡椒少許
📌 香葉少許
📌 桂皮少許
📌 草果1粒
📌 迷迭香適量
📌 百里香適量
📌 蒜鹽適量
📌 蒜粉適量
📌 白蘭地少許
📌 橄欖油適量
1. 乳豬洗淨,撕掉骨中間的白色皮,再用刀仔在骨與骨中間鎅一鎅,備用。
2. 用鑊煮滾水,放梳打粉,把乳豬稍為灼一灼,拎起。之後用水沖乾淨,再用廚房紙索乾水份,之後用風筒吹乾乳豬。(如果乳豬有毛便燒一燒)
3. 用小煎鍋,不用加油,加入焊乾醃料,把醃料焊乾,有煙出便熄火。
4. 準備攪拌機,加入已焊乾的醃料打碎成粉。如果想濃味一些,可加雞粉。
5. 乳豬放在盤上,皮向底,把已打碎的醃料粉加在乳豬身上,搽勻,再加入剪碎的迷迭香,百里香,搽勻,之後返轉乳豬,再用醃料粉搽勻,之後再返轉乳豬,再加入蒜鹽,蒜粉,搽勻乳豬全身。再加入白蘭地,再搽勻乳豬全身。之後用風筒再把乳豬稍為吹乾,再加入橄欖油,搽勻乳豬兩邊全身。
6. 用鐵叉均勻地刺豬皮數下,之後乳豬放在焗爐鐵架上,鐵架底用焗盤盛著,乳豬皮向下,骨向面,放入焗爐用200度先焗30分鐘。
7. 30分鐘後,取出乳豬,把乳豬身上的油倒在碗上,再用250度焗5 - 6分鐘左右,之後翻轉乳豬,用錫紙遮住耳仔部份,再放入焗爐,焗25 - 30分鐘。
8. 時間到後,取出,用竹籤刺在眼睛位置上,再插上紅色細蕃茄仔,即成。
1. 如果買不到乳豬全隻,可以買乳豬件代替。
2. 如果用全隻乳豬,把頸部份的骨要切除,豬腳豬手摺位要鎅一鎅。
3. 如果沒有白蘭地,可用酒精度較高的白酒代替。紹興酒也可以,但係白酒比較好一點。
Portuguese Style Roasted Whole Suckling Pig and Suckling Pig Rack
(YouTube video starts at 2:10.)
Suckling pig - 1 whole
Or use
Spanish suckling pig rack - 1 rack
(Remove all the white membrane skin on the bone side of the rack.
Use a knife and lightly score in between the bones of the rack to absorb the marinade faster.
Blanch and clean the suckling pig rack by boiling in hot water with the skin side down with 1 tbsp of baking soda.
Rinse, pat dry, and blow dry it with a hair dryer or leave it in the refrigerator for 4 hours to let it dry.
Purpose of the baking soda is to tenderize the suckling pig’s skin.)
Dry marinade ingredients:
Fennel seeds - ¼ cup
Clove - 5
Cardamon - 5
Coriander seeds - ¼ cup
Black pepper - ¼ cup
Bay leaf - 2
Cinnamon stick - ½ a stick
Black cardamon - 1
(Pan fry the above herbs until fragrant and grind them into powder. Set aside.)
Chicken powder - optional
Rosemary - a sprig (cut into pieces)
Thyme - a sprig (cut into pieces)
Garlic-salt - to taste
Onion-salt - optional
Garlic powder - to taste
Wet marinade ingredients:
Brandy - ¼ cup (or white wine with a high alcohol content or Shaoxing wine)
Olive oil - about 2 handfuls
Garnish for the whole suckling pig ingredients:
Cherry tomatoes - 2 (to be placed over the eyes and secure with toothpicks.)
Methods for Whole Suckling Pig:
1. Marinate the whole suckling pig with the ground herbs powder on the abdominal side. Sprinkle rosemary and thyme pieces on top. Cut two slits each on all four of the legs to cook more evenly due to the thickness of the legs. Remove the bones below the head.
2. Sprinkle garlic-salt, and garlic powder on both sides of the suckling pig.
3. Rub brandy on both sides of the suckling pig.
4. Blow dry the skin side with a hair dryer until semi dry.
5. Rub olive oil on both sides of the suckling pig.
6. Poke small holes on the skin side to ventilate the hot air when baking.
7. Place the suckling pig on a baking wire rack and place the backing wire rack on top of a baking pan lined with aluminum foil paper. This pan is to catch the oil dripping when baking.
8. Bake at 200C (390F) with the abdominal side up for about 30 minutes or until the bones are golden brown then flip over to the skin side up and bake for further 30 - 45 minutes and increase the temperature to 250C (480F). Make sure to cover the ears with aluminum foil paper to avoid burning.
9. During the last 30 minutes of baking, occasionally brush the skin with the oil dripping.
10. When done, garnish with 2 cherry tomatoes over the eyes and secure them with toothpicks. Serve.
Methods for Suckling Pig Rack:
1. Rub the ground herbs powder on the bones side of the rack. Sprinkle rosemary and thyme pieces on top.
2. Sprinkle garlic-salt, and garlic powder on both sides of the rack.
3. Rub brandy on both sides of the rack.
4. Blow dry the skin side with a hair dryer until semi dry.
5. Rub olive oil on both sides of the rack.
6. Poke small holes on the skin side to ventilate the hot air when baking.
7. Place the suckling pig rack on a baking wire rack and place the backing wire rack on top of a baking pan lined with aluminum foil paper. This pan is to catch the oil dripping when baking.
8. Bake at 200C (390F) with the bone side up for about 30 minutes or until the bones are golden brown then flip over to the skin side up and bake for further 30 – 45 minutes and increase the temperature to 250C (480F).
9. During the last 30 minutes of baking, occasionally brush the skin with the oil dripping.
材料: 紫薯一杯,花奶一杯,椰奶一杯,水半杯,糖半杯,寒天粉14g
做法: 1 先弄濕3張廚紙放飯煲底按煮飯鍵,跳制後取出紫薯去皮切細
2 水,糖,寒天粉放煲內煮至溶加花奶略攪拌最後加椰奶煮一會(整過程需一邊煮一邊攪)
3 將以上1同2放攪拌機打勻
4 打好放盒內放涼後才放雪櫃
材料: 花奶,椰汁各半杯,糖2匙,寒天粉7g,水1/4杯
做法: 水,糖,寒天粉煮至溶放花奶,椰奶略煮一會離火待涼後倒在已凝固的紫薯漿上放回雪櫃即成
備註: a 紫薯可改用紅荳不用攪爛
b 寒天粉也可用魚膠粉口感較實
c 糖視乎個人喜好加減
d 白色層材料較少放雪櫃較快凝固
e 一杯水約250ml
Purple Yam Coconut Milk Pudding
(YouTube video starts at 33:56.)
Cooked purple yam - 1 cup (cut into small pieces)
(Avoid choosing ones that have white spots on the skin or soft to the touch. These have defects in them. Choose ones that are firm to the touch.
**Please refer to “Simple Way to Cook Yams &/or Eggs in Rice Cooker” methods below this recipe.)
Water - ½ cup (125ml) (Use 1 cup = 250ml if you are using corn flour.)
Sugar - ½ cup
Evaporated milk - 1 cup (250ml)
Agar agar powder - 14g
(also known as Kanten powder in Japanese and is vegetarian friendly.
Or use corn flour 1 cup.)
Coconut milk - 1 cup (250ml) (add in last to avoid curding when cooked too long.)
To make the white layer ingredients:
Water - ¼ cup
Sugar - 2 tbsp
Evaporated milk - ½ cup
Agar agar powder - 7g
Coconut milk - ½ cup
(Put all the ingredients into a cooking pot and cook until the sugar and agar agar powder have melted. Set aside.)
1. In a cooking pot, add in ½ cup of water, ½ cup of sugar, and cook until the sugar has melted.
2. Add in evaporated milk, agar agar powder, and mix well.
3. Add in coconut milk, and mix well. This is the coconut milk mixture.
4. In a blender, add in cooked purple yam pieces, the coconut milk mixture, and blend well until smooth.
5. Pour into a mould.
6. Put into the refrigerator to set.
7. Once it is firm enough, pour the white layer on top and return back to the refrigerator to set.
Note: Optional to be creative with the layering of purple and white colors.
How to Make Ramen Soft Boiled Egg
(YouTube video starts at 27:55. Skip to 39:53 for the final product.)
Hot boiling water
Cold Eggs
Pot lid
Cold tap water
1. Prepare a pot of boiling water.
2. Gently lower cold eggs in boiling water with a ladle and cover pot with a lid.
3. Boil for 6 minutes.
4. After 6 minutes, take the eggs out and IMMEDIATELY rinse them under cold tap water and peel the shell at the same time.
5. Cut the eggs into halves. Serve.
Note: Boil for 7 minutes for larger eggs.
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wet brush 在 Facebook 八卦
2021年2月27日live 直播精華
20210302 Facebook Live
特別鳴謝Easycook 義工團做食譜🙏🙏🙏
白米 2杯
熟栗子 大約10粒
蝦乾 10 隻
冬菇 5-6隻
幼蔥粒 少許
麻油 1湯匙
豉油 2湯匙
糖 半茶匙
菇粉/雞粉 少許(可以不用)
1. 冬菇、蝦乾用水浸軟後切粒,冬菇水要留用
2. 煑熟栗子1開4
3. 兩杯白米洗淨後加入少量水,冬菇粒、蝦乾粒、栗子粒及冬菇水
4. 加入調味料:麻油、豉油、糖和菇粉
5. 放入飯煲開始煮飯,煮熟後盛起大碗內,灑上幼蔥粒便可食用。
Dried Shrimp Chestnut Mushroom Rice
(YouTube video starts at 21:27.)
White rice - 2 rice cups (180ml X 2) (Wash and rinse)
Water and dried mushroom water - enough to cook the rice
Dried mushroom - diced (soak in water and save the water for cooking the rice)
Dried shrimps - diced (optional to fry them until fragrant)
Chestnuts - cut each one into 4 pieces
Seasoning ingredients:
Sesame oil - 1 tbsp
Light soya sauce - 2 tbsp
Sugar - ½ tsp
Mushroom seasoning powder - a dash
Chicken powder - optional
Garnish ingredients:
Green onion
Fresh mint leaves
1. Place all the above ingredients and seasoning ingredients into the inner pot of a rice cooker.
2. Set to rice cook mode.
3. Serve with sprinkle of green onion pieces and top it off with fresh mint leaves.
📌 乳豬一隻
📌 梳打粉一湯匙
📌 小茴少許
📌 丁香5粒
📌 豆蔻幾粒
📌 芫荽籽少許
📌 黑胡椒少許
📌 香葉少許
📌 桂皮少許
📌 草果1粒
📌 迷迭香適量
📌 百里香適量
📌 蒜鹽適量
📌 蒜粉適量
📌 白蘭地少許
📌 橄欖油適量
1. 乳豬洗淨,撕掉骨中間的白色皮,再用刀仔在骨與骨中間鎅一鎅,備用。
2. 用鑊煮滾水,放梳打粉,把乳豬稍為灼一灼,拎起。之後用水沖乾淨,再用廚房紙索乾水份,之後用風筒吹乾乳豬。(如果乳豬有毛便燒一燒)
3. 用小煎鍋,不用加油,加入焊乾醃料,把醃料焊乾,有煙出便熄火。
4. 準備攪拌機,加入已焊乾的醃料打碎成粉。如果想濃味一些,可加雞粉。
5. 乳豬放在盤上,皮向底,把已打碎的醃料粉加在乳豬身上,搽勻,再加入剪碎的迷迭香,百里香,搽勻,之後返轉乳豬,再用醃料粉搽勻,之後再返轉乳豬,再加入蒜鹽,蒜粉,搽勻乳豬全身。再加入白蘭地,再搽勻乳豬全身。之後用風筒再把乳豬稍為吹乾,再加入橄欖油,搽勻乳豬兩邊全身。
6. 用鐵叉均勻地刺豬皮數下,之後乳豬放在焗爐鐵架上,鐵架底用焗盤盛著,乳豬皮向下,骨向面,放入焗爐用200度先焗30分鐘。
7. 30分鐘後,取出乳豬,把乳豬身上的油倒在碗上,再用250度焗5 - 6分鐘左右,之後翻轉乳豬,用錫紙遮住耳仔部份,再放入焗爐,焗25 - 30分鐘。
8. 時間到後,取出,用竹籤刺在眼睛位置上,再插上紅色細蕃茄仔,即成。
1. 如果買不到乳豬全隻,可以買乳豬件代替。
2. 如果用全隻乳豬,把頸部份的骨要切除,豬腳豬手摺位要鎅一鎅。
3. 如果沒有白蘭地,可用酒精度較高的白酒代替。紹興酒也可以,但係白酒比較好一點。
Portuguese Style Roasted Whole Suckling Pig and Suckling Pig Rack
(YouTube video starts at 2:10.)
Suckling pig - 1 whole
Or use
Spanish suckling pig rack - 1 rack
(Remove all the white membrane skin on the bone side of the rack.
Use a knife and lightly score in between the bones of the rack to absorb the marinade faster.
Blanch and clean the suckling pig rack by boiling in hot water with the skin side down with 1 tbsp of baking soda.
Rinse, pat dry, and blow dry it with a hair dryer or leave it in the refrigerator for 4 hours to let it dry.
Purpose of the baking soda is to tenderize the suckling pig’s skin.)
Dry marinade ingredients:
Fennel seeds - ¼ cup
Clove - 5
Cardamon - 5
Coriander seeds - ¼ cup
Black pepper - ¼ cup
Bay leaf - 2
Cinnamon stick - ½ a stick
Black cardamon - 1
(Pan fry the above herbs until fragrant and grind them into powder. Set aside.)
Chicken powder - optional
Rosemary - a sprig (cut into pieces)
Thyme - a sprig (cut into pieces)
Garlic-salt - to taste
Onion-salt - optional
Garlic powder - to taste
Wet marinade ingredients:
Brandy - ¼ cup (or white wine with a high alcohol content or Shaoxing wine)
Olive oil - about 2 handfuls
Garnish for the whole suckling pig ingredients:
Cherry tomatoes - 2 (to be placed over the eyes and secure with toothpicks.)
Methods for Whole Suckling Pig:
1. Marinate the whole suckling pig with the ground herbs powder on the abdominal side. Sprinkle rosemary and thyme pieces on top. Cut two slits each on all four of the legs to cook more evenly due to the thickness of the legs. Remove the bones below the head.
2. Sprinkle garlic-salt, and garlic powder on both sides of the suckling pig.
3. Rub brandy on both sides of the suckling pig.
4. Blow dry the skin side with a hair dryer until semi dry.
5. Rub olive oil on both sides of the suckling pig.
6. Poke small holes on the skin side to ventilate the hot air when baking.
7. Place the suckling pig on a baking wire rack and place the backing wire rack on top of a baking pan lined with aluminum foil paper. This pan is to catch the oil dripping when baking.
8. Bake at 200C (390F) with the abdominal side up for about 30 minutes or until the bones are golden brown then flip over to the skin side up and bake for further 30 - 45 minutes and increase the temperature to 250C (480F). Make sure to cover the ears with aluminum foil paper to avoid burning.
9. During the last 30 minutes of baking, occasionally brush the skin with the oil dripping.
10. When done, garnish with 2 cherry tomatoes over the eyes and secure them with toothpicks. Serve.
Methods for Suckling Pig Rack:
1. Rub the ground herbs powder on the bones side of the rack. Sprinkle rosemary and thyme pieces on top.
2. Sprinkle garlic-salt, and garlic powder on both sides of the rack.
3. Rub brandy on both sides of the rack.
4. Blow dry the skin side with a hair dryer until semi dry.
5. Rub olive oil on both sides of the rack.
6. Poke small holes on the skin side to ventilate the hot air when baking.
7. Place the suckling pig rack on a baking wire rack and place the backing wire rack on top of a baking pan lined with aluminum foil paper. This pan is to catch the oil dripping when baking.
8. Bake at 200C (390F) with the bone side up for about 30 minutes or until the bones are golden brown then flip over to the skin side up and bake for further 30 – 45 minutes and increase the temperature to 250C (480F).
9. During the last 30 minutes of baking, occasionally brush the skin with the oil dripping.
材料: 紫薯一杯,花奶一杯,椰奶一杯,水半杯,糖半杯,寒天粉14g
做法: 1 先弄濕3張廚紙放飯煲底按煮飯鍵,跳制後取出紫薯去皮切細
2 水,糖,寒天粉放煲內煮至溶加花奶略攪拌最後加椰奶煮一會(整過程需一邊煮一邊攪)
3 將以上1同2放攪拌機打勻
4 打好放盒內放涼後才放雪櫃
材料: 花奶,椰汁各半杯,糖2匙,寒天粉7g,水1/4杯
做法: 水,糖,寒天粉煮至溶放花奶,椰奶略煮一會離火待涼後倒在已凝固的紫薯漿上放回雪櫃即成
備註: a 紫薯可改用紅荳不用攪爛
b 寒天粉也可用魚膠粉口感較實
c 糖視乎個人喜好加減
d 白色層材料較少放雪櫃較快凝固
e 一杯水約250ml
Purple Yam Coconut Milk Pudding
(YouTube video starts at 33:56.)
Cooked purple yam - 1 cup (cut into small pieces)
(Avoid choosing ones that have white spots on the skin or soft to the touch. These have defects in them. Choose ones that are firm to the touch.
**Please refer to “Simple Way to Cook Yams &/or Eggs in Rice Cooker” methods below this recipe.)
Water - ½ cup (125ml) (Use 1 cup = 250ml if you are using corn flour.)
Sugar - ½ cup
Evaporated milk - 1 cup (250ml)
Agar agar powder - 14g
(also known as Kanten powder in Japanese and is vegetarian friendly.
Or use corn flour 1 cup.)
Coconut milk - 1 cup (250ml) (add in last to avoid curding when cooked too long.)
To make the white layer ingredients:
Water - ¼ cup
Sugar - 2 tbsp
Evaporated milk - ½ cup
Agar agar powder - 7g
Coconut milk - ½ cup
(Put all the ingredients into a cooking pot and cook until the sugar and agar agar powder have melted. Set aside.)
1. In a cooking pot, add in ½ cup of water, ½ cup of sugar, and cook until the sugar has melted.
2. Add in evaporated milk, agar agar powder, and mix well.
3. Add in coconut milk, and mix well. This is the coconut milk mixture.
4. In a blender, add in cooked purple yam pieces, the coconut milk mixture, and blend well until smooth.
5. Pour into a mould.
6. Put into the refrigerator to set.
7. Once it is firm enough, pour the white layer on top and return back to the refrigerator to set.
Note: Optional to be creative with the layering of purple and white colors.
How to Make Ramen Soft Boiled Egg
(YouTube video starts at 27:55. Skip to 39:53 for the final product.)
Hot boiling water
Cold Eggs
Pot lid
Cold tap water
1. Prepare a pot of boiling water.
2. Gently lower cold eggs in boiling water with a ladle and cover pot with a lid.
3. Boil for 6 minutes.
4. After 6 minutes, take the eggs out and IMMEDIATELY rinse them under cold tap water and peel the shell at the same time.
5. Cut the eggs into halves. Serve.
Note: Boil for 7 minutes for larger eggs.
wet brush 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 八卦
Papa take note perkara ni ya..
1. Seeloknya mandikan bayi pada waktu dhuha, kerana pada waktu tersebut fisiologi kitaran darah dan degupan jantung bayi dalam keadaan tenang. Gunakan air yang suam.
2. Siraman pertama perlu dimulakan ke atas belakangnya secara perlahan-lahan, kemudian baru disiramkan ke kaki, seterusnya naik ke bahagian punggungnya.
3. Belaian dan gosokan lembut memainkan peranan penting semasa memandikan bayi. Ini akan membuatkan pengaliran darah bayi lancar dan baik. Siraman disertakan dengan sapuan sabun yang sesuai untuk bayi.
4. Seterusnya siram dari belakang hingga ke kepala. Siraman di kepala dilakukan secara perlahan, supaya air tidak mengalir masuk ke dalam lubang telinga. Semasa menyiramkan air di belakang kepala ke bahagian hadapan dahi, tangan digunakan untuk menggosok dahi.
5. Sebaiknya tugas memandikan bayi dilakukan oleh bapa. Sambil memandikan, hati berzikir Ya Latif, Ya Hadi.
6. Pastikan siraman tidak dilakukan pada muka bayi kerana ia boleh melemaskan bayi serta menyebabkan lubang hidungnya lembap seterusnya mudah selesema atau jangkitan kuman.
7. Siraman yang terakhir, dilakukan ke atas dada seterusnya hingga ke bawah. Tidak digalakkan menyapu sabun pada bahagian hadapan tubuh bayi usia ini, kerana bimbang air dan sabun menyebabkan bahagian pusatnya lembap dan seterusnya melambatkan proses ‘gugur’ tali pusat.
8. Selepas selesai mandi, lapkan seluruh badan bayi dengan tuala yang bersih. Cara mengelap dimulakan dari kepala kerana kelewatan mengelap bahagian kepala boleh menyebabkan kepala dan ubun-ubun bayi basah serta membawa masalah paru-paru lemah.
Moga bermanfaat!
The way and manners of bathing a newborn baby.
Papa take note of this..
1. It's nice to bathe the baby at dhuha time, because at that time the blood cycle and the baby's heartbeat is in peace. Use warm water.
The First 2. Splash needs to start on his back slowly, then just be to the foot, next up to his back.
3. Caress and soft rub play an important role while bathing a baby. This will make baby blood flow smooth and good. Splash is included with a soap sweep that is suitable for babies.
Next 4. Flush from back to head. The Splash in the head is slowly done, so that the water does not flow into the ear hole. While pour the water behind the head to the front of the forehead, the hand is used to brush the forehead.
5. Better to bath a baby done by the father. While bathing, the heart remembers ya latif, ya hadi.
6. Make sure the splash is not done on the baby's face because it can flexing the baby and cause the next moist nose hole easy cold or germs infection.
The last 7. Splash, done on the next chest to the bottom. Not encouraged to sweep soap on the front of the baby's body, because worry water and soap causes the center of the center to be moist and then slows down the ' fall ' process of the central rope.
8. After finishing shower, put the whole baby's body with a clean towel. The way wipe starts from the head due to the delay in the head of the head can cause the head and the forelock of the baby to be wet as well as bringing the problem of weak lungs.
May it be useful!Translated
wet brush 在 Jay Lee Painting Youtube 的評價
[ Level 3 ] How To : Watercolour Painting / Demonstration for Beginners / 수채화 그림 그리기
❖ Support for my Art
DONATION : https://streamlabs.com/jayartpainting
PATREON : https://www.patreon.com/jayartpainting
❖ 영상 시청해주셔서 감사합니다. 한국사람이고요 영어로 영상을 올리고 있습니다. 몇몇 한국 분들이 댓글 달아 주시는데 너무너무 감사드립니다.
❖ Jay Lee is a specialized watercolor artist. JayArt videos are showing how to paint flowers, nature and other techniques on the various tutorials offered.
New series of watercolor paintings are available for upload every week. Please subscribe for more videos.
❖ Classification of paints
- Beginner (Level 1, Level 2)
- Intermediate (Level 3, Level 4)
- Advanced (Level 5, Level 6)
❖ Supply List
Paper : Saunders Waterford (300g/m2), Arches Aquarelle (185g, 300g/m2)
Paints : Shinhan, Holbein watercolors
Brushes : Kuretake Waterbrush, Chinese bamboo brushes and watercolor brushes from one dollar store (Cheap one)
Etc. : Faber-Castell Watercolor Pencils, Uni-ball Micro Deluxe Waterproof Pen, Tachikawa dip pens and AP drawing ink
❖ There are many people who ask me which brushes are the preferred brushes to use for beginners.
My answer to them is that all the brushes are great to use and compliment each other.
My brushes are not expensive to purchase, they cost around $1-4 USD, some prices may vary on the different brushes used duo to special use of each brush.
Remember that with each brush you use you will have a different experience and a range of different feeling.
The important thing is that you and the brush work as one to find the balance between creation and skill.
The artist's hand is very important in making the painting and to feel the way the water on the brush moves as the brush creates the ultimate master piece.
❖ Music
Friday Morning by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100224
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
❖ E-mail :
( If you have any questions please feel free to contact me )

wet brush 在 cook kafemaru Youtube 的評價
バター香る♪ふわふわもっちりちぎりぱん | Soft and Fluffy Butter Bread
チャンネル登録お願いします♪ Subscribe to my channel
【Ingredients】18cm square cake pan
★200g Bread flour
★20g Sugar
★3g Salt
★5g Non-Fat Dry Milk Powder
100g water
3g Dry yeast
30g Beaten egg
25g Unsalted butter(room temperature)
For Toppings:
45g Butter
1 tbsp Beaten egg (for brushing Butter Bread)
The best water temperature for the dough: About 30℃ for spring and autumn. About 10℃ for summer, and about 40℃ for winter.
①Combine the dry ingredients (★)and mix together with a whisk.
②Combine water, and dry yeast, Beaten egg,then add it to ① and mix.
③Put it on the table and knead. (10mins)
④Add butter and knead more. (5mins)
⑤Make it round, then leave it at a warm place until it gets twice as bigger. (primary fermentation)
⑥Degas the dough from ⑤, divide it into 16 pieces and make them round.
⑦Cover them with a wet cloth and leave them for 15 mins. (bench time)
⑧After resting, deflate with your hand, round and smooth the surface of the dough well, and firmly close the seam.
⑨Put them on the square pan.
⑩Cover them with plastic wrap or a wet cloth not to dry, leave it at a warm place until they get twice as bigger. (secondary fermentation)
⑪With a pastry brush,coat the dough with beaten egg for glazing.
and put butter on top.
⑫Bake it in the preheated oven (210°C) for about 14 mins.
⑬Remove from the pan and place it on a wire rack to cool.
*Be careful not to let the dough dry out when you are letting it rise or rest.
*When the dough is too moist and sticky, powder the dough a little.
【材料】18cm 角形
★強力粉 200g
★砂糖 20g
★塩 3g
★スキムミルク 5g
水 100g
ドライイースト 3g
溶き卵 30g
無塩バター(室温) 25g
有塩バター 45g
照り卵用溶き卵 大さじ1
*music Rei Kagaya(Audiostock) / PIXTA(ピクスタ)

wet brush 在 Patra Channel / 周防パトラ 【ハニスト】 Youtube 的評價
今夜は3時間しっかりとASMR。安眠できる#ASMR #Binaural
今夜もきてくれてありがとうございます。Thank you for coming.
0:00【カモミールティー / Chamomile Tea】
4:01【耳のマッサージ1 / Ear Massage1 (Sweet Almond, Orange Oil)】
9:35【耳にタッピング / Ear Tapping (Massage Oil Spray)】
12:24【もふもふ尻尾 / Fluffy Tail】
14:58【耳のマッサージ2 / Ear Massage2 (Foam)】
20:46【ふわふわタオル1 / Fluffy Towel1】
24:24【もふもふブラシ / Fluffy Brush】
26:06【ヘアブラシ&髪を梳かす / Hair Brush & Hair Brushing】
28:12【ヘッドマッサージ / Head Massage (Citrus Shampoo)】
35:52【濡れタオル / Wet Towel】
37:10【肩のマッサージ / Shoulder Massage (Tapotement, Petrissage, Effleurage)】
41:38【炭酸水 / Sparkling Water】
46:07【ひざ枕で耳かき1-1 / Lap Pillow & Ear Cleaning1-1 (Left Ear: Large Cotton Swab)】
55:35【ひざ枕で耳かき1-2 / Lap Pillow & Ear Cleaning1-2 (Right Ear: Large Cotton Swab, Sticky Type Cotton Swab)】
1:10:33【ひざ枕で耳かき1-3 / Lap Pillow & Ear Cleaning1-3 (Left Ear: Sticky Type Cotton Swab, Brush Type Rubber Ear Pick)】
1:21:02【ひざ枕で耳かき1-4 / Lap Pillow & Ear Cleaning1-4 (Right Ear: Brush Type Rubber Ear Pick)】
1:26:35【耳のマッサージ3 / Ear Massage3 (Orange Cream)】
1:34:46【ウォーターボール / Water Ball】
1:37:39【大きなもふもふタオル / Large Fluffy Towel】
1:38:58【タオル越しの指耳かき / Ear Touching (Towel)】
1:40:55【ひざ枕で耳かき2-1 / Lap Pillow & Ear Cleaning2-1 (Left Ear: Japanese Bamboo Ear Pick Made-to-order, Down Puff)】
1:52:59【ひざ枕で耳かき2-2 / Lap Pillow & Ear Cleaning2-2 (Right Ear: Japanese Bamboo Ear Pick Made-to-order, Down Puff)】
2:01:33【耳のマッサージ4 / Ear Massage4 (Baby Vaseline)】
2:06:14【こんにゃくスポンジ / Konjac Sponge】
2:08:25【ムース状の泡&こんにゃくスポンジ / Mousse Form & Konjac Sponge】
2:15:28【ふわふわタオル2&ぎゅー&心音 / Fluffy Towel2, Embracing & Heartbeat】
2:18:36【ひざ枕で耳かき3-1 / Lap Pillow & Ear Cleaning3-1 (Left Ear: Baby Cotton Swab)】
2:26:46【ひざ枕で耳かき3-2 / Lap Pillow & Ear Cleaning3-2 (Right Ear: Baby Cotton Swab)】
2:34:37【耳のマッサージ5 / Ear Massage5 (Baby Oil)】
2:40:04【柔らかいブラシ / Soft Brush】
2:40:55【両耳に耳かき / Ear Cleaning4 (Both Ears: Cotton Swab, Cotton Swab Spiral Shape, Fluffy Tails)】
2:49:06【添い寝 / Falling Asleep Together ("Bekko" Tortoise Shell Ear Pick & Embracing)】
Please be relaxed to hear my stereophonic voice.
Wearing headphones or earphones is recommended.

wet brush 在 Hair Brushes in 2021 - Pinterest 的八卦
Western inspired hair brushes these are comparable to wet brushes Wet Brush, Hair Brush,. Visit. Save. From. thedirtyheifer.com ... ... <看更多>